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Installation & Repair

Septic System Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential to the adequate function of your septic system. Delays in proper maintenance of your septic system can have serious consequences and side effects that are not comfortable, to say the least. Your septic system safely treats all the wastewater that your household produces, thus allowing you to flush the toilet, wash the dishes, or take a shower. It is one of the most difficult components to maintain and possibly the most expensive systems to replace.
Let us take away the stress by identifying and fixing any problems that you might be facing. Our team of system maintenance experts will prevent problems from occurring and allow the fluids in your septic system to flow freely. We will provide cost-effective solutions to keep your septic system operating at peak performance. Call us at (630) 584-2162 to schedule your next maintenance.


Here are some commonly asked questions about septic system maintenance

Here are a few ways you can manage and maintain your septic tank:
  • Maintain records and notes of inspections, maintenance, pumping and repairs.
  • Keep the tank tightly shut and don’t allow air, light or water to come through.
  • Buy toilet paper that is septic tank friendly and dissolves easily.
  • Avoid flushing detergents, bleach, chemicals or grease into the tank.
  • Don’t overload your system with too much water – conserve water as much as possible.
  • Call Read Septic once a year for inspection.
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